Possibly the prettiest Arkmate, Esther's got a healthy love of nature and is keen to figure out exactly how Noah and Co., the previous owners of the Ark, kept all the creepy-crawly things in one place. She's committed to entertainment. Well, with her outranking King Neb, warding off Samson's proposals, probing Eve for the real story, and avoiding Martha's orders to clean the animals' stalls, she might just do that. |
Looking for news stories about Esther's escapades in the Ark? Click the headlines below. Meanwhile, follow Esther's diary during the voyage, post some fan mail and look at the questionnaire she filled out before going up the gangplank. Also here is her original story from the Good Book, plus the books etc. where she plays a starring role.
 | | Esther and John: budding romance?
The relationship between Esther and John took a new twist when John revealed a dream to make Freud blush, and Esther offered lessons in kissing.
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 | | Esther: "I've had enough!"
Sunday's divine service fiasco proved the last straw for Esther, after having patiently endured a whole string of indignities on the Ark.
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 | | Esther gives Simon a break
God took a hand in the deadlock between Simon Peter and Esther last night, as the Almighty gave Peter a good old ear-bashing about his sexist behaviour.
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 | | Girl time
While the men grappled with a dove-borne problem, Esther, Mary, Martha and Jezebel got together for some "quality girl time".
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