God took a hand in the deadlock between Simon Peter and Esther last night, as the Almighty gave Peter a good old ear-bashing about his sexist behaviour.
Simon originally seems to have taken it as a joke, although God soon impressed on the apostle that humour was not on the cards (God: "I am not amused." Simon: "Sorry, God... Is Jesus?" God: "No").
Determined to make amends, Simon sought out Esther and John the three of them are running this week's divine service onboard the Ark only to find that Esther had decided to forgive Simon anyway. This is how Esther put it in her diary: "If I hear any more of his apologies I might not want to talk to him ever again, so I'd better forgive him fast."
Unsurprisingly, they didn't hug. Simon still has some doubts: "Do you think she's really forgiven me?" he asked the others. Has she? There's only one way to find out the answer.