Simon Peter ("call me Rocky") hopes to make his stay on the Ark a fun time for everyone. Very much one of the guys, expect Simon Peter to get his hands dirty and his foot lodged firmly in his mouth. Never afraid to let piddling things like embarrassment get in his way, Simon Peter will no doubt speak exactly what's on his mind. Will that endear him to the other Arkmates? Stay tuned and find out. |
Looking for news stories about Simon Peter in the Ark? Click the headlines below. Meanwhile, follow Simon's diary during the voyage, post some fan mail and look at the questionnaire he completed before going up the gangplank. Also here is his original story from the Good Book, plus the books etc. where he plays a role of universal primacy.
 | | Simon Peter sees ghostly angel
Simon Peter today confused and shocked the arkmates with his strange behaviour, as he claimed to be followed around by an angel only he could see.
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 | | Ark apostles for the plank
Simon Peter and Paul are both up for the plank, as the votes of their arkmates propelled them to the possibility of getting wet and salty.
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 | | Simon loses his sea legs
Simon Peter, in a truly uncharacteristic turn of events, found himself ready to talk to God on the great white telephone last night.
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 | | Hit me baby (one more time)
Tonight's nominations for the plank brought relief to some and dismay to others, as Eve and Simon Peter were nominated.
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 | | Simon Peter on the rocks
The revelation that he is one of the first potential plank walkers has knocked Simon Peter for six. Job is also facing the public's vote.
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 | | Simon preaches, Job prays...
After a delayed start due to rowdy Bible characters, Sunday night's divine service including preaching, hair washing and a walk round the ship.
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 | | Esther gives Simon a break
God took a hand in the deadlock between Simon Peter and Esther last night, as the Almighty gave Peter a good old ear-bashing about his sexist behaviour.
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 | | Paul and Simon Peter face off
From Day 1 on the Ark our two New Testament theological giants took an immediate dislike to one another. "Man, Paul is driving me mad already... does he ever shut up??" asked Peter.
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