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  Job | Diary | Comments
Job Has Job written something you wish to comment on? Drop them a line here, or paddle over to their fanmail page and join in the online party.

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Ann (http://)

I'm with you Neb. I like your ears. Bing Crosby was sexy and had bigger ears than you but beyond that remember beauty is skin deep and maybe you sould consentrate on something besides you looks. Seems to me you and your fellow ark mates are consentrating to much on the opposite sex.

30/04/03 7:56 pm

dolphin (http://)

Job, you hoped for some comfort for a blue funk.
Comfort, Comfort, Comfort. :):):) The ark needs a good bartender. Hears to your staying aboard!

30/04/03 1:36 pm

Dave (

We're right behind you all the way Job. Sometimes quite literally.

30/04/03 4:14 am

Ariel ()

You can't help your physical appearance (I'm assuming nobody would choose to look like that). Good luck anyway and hang on in there!

30/04/03 1:42 am

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale