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   Post-plank interview with Moses
Moses and Emma

Day 20

Moses became the third arkmate to walk the plank on Day 20, amidst emotional scenes. Minutes later, Emma McMurtary, who played the Old Testament lawgiver, arrived into Ark Chat for her post-plank interview. What was her most memorable moment onboard the Ark... why was Moses so close to Simon Peter... did she feel that she *was* Moses? For these and other revelations, read on.

Jennymun: Hey, Mo, we were sad to see you jump.

Sarkycow: Towel, Moses?

Moses: Greetings!

Sweetbett: Everyone stand back while he shakes off.

Ancient Mariner: Tonight I'm not going to ask the questions, just give you the gen on Moses – then throw it open. Emma McMurtary played Moses. She lives with her husband, Simon, in Winchester, UK – although she is really a Dorset girly and hopes to move back someday.

Jennymun: I KNEW it was UK lol!

Monkey Leaf: Emma!

Icarus Coot: Gasp!

joyfulsoul: Wow.

Ancient Mariner: Emma studied theology at Oxford, and is mad enough to start an MA in September. Her main academic interests include looking at postmodern forms of church and interpretations of scripture.

Sweetbett: Hahahahaha! A girlie Mo.

Jennymun: So MOSES is a woman! Cool! That adds an extra twist to the Bible!

Ancient Mariner: During term time Emma teaches RS and critical thinking to 6th formers in Eastleigh. Out of term time she claims to have some chance of a life, during which she enjoys walking, eating and of course!

Monkey Leaf: One would have thought Moses would have been the one staying. Had you any inkling, Emma?

Moses: I did prepare myself... said my goodbyes etc...

joyfulsoul: Why did you chose moses, Emma?

Moses: I like Moses... (I AM moses). I chose him cause I like the stories, and he spoke to God face to face and didn't seem to be afraid to talk back.

Ucas Reject: Did you fancy Simon Peter?

Moses: I don't think Moses and Simon was *anything* more than friendship.

Icarus Coot: Did Moses call the shots in the friendship? Or Simon? Or equals?

Moses: I think we respected each other. It was tough for Moses, no longer being "the" leader.

Sarkycow: Emma, did you find it hard to make Moses a fully-formed, 3D character?

Moses: I think Moses and I gelled quite early on. But I was the only man not to go after the ladies... I didn't think that was Moses' way.

Ucas Reject: Why was he always so depressed?

Moses: I thought at the time Moses might be missing the close relationship with God, and lack of visible presence, just like Christians sometimes say they feel God's distant at times.

Icarus Coot: How about the discussions with Paul on the Law – that must've been a terrible shock for Mo? The focus was now completely away from what he'd lived for.

Moses: I wasn't expecting Paul to dis the law completely like he did!

clare: When was the first time you thought – yeah, I'm reacting, not acting... being an arkmate was a spontaneous thing?

Moses: I think when Job left, maybe. That's when I first noticed it.

clare: That's when I first noticed it, too. It really showed.

Moses: That seemed SO real! I think since then I have *been* moses... and the boundaries between Emma and Moses are a little blurred!

Monkey Leaf: Did you find yourself thinking Moses' thoughts at the grocery? In church? At school?

Moses: Well... I'd love to have performed miracles in class! That would make a great religious studies lesson!

Ucas Reject: Were the bonds you made with other arkmates your real feelings?

Moses: In a way, Ucas. It was odd. In real life, I would have thought I'd like to meet Paul, for example, but when it came to the first round of votes, I felt cross with Paul in real life for being nasty!

clare: What will you miss most about being Moses?

Moses: The thing I'll miss most is the interaction with all the other arkmates. It's been such fun and enlightening, and even spiritual at times. I'll really miss it.

clare: Has it made you think differently about God?

Moses: It was worrying, Clare. When chatting to God, I had to remember it WASN'T God! I was so *in* character it was hard to remember!

Sarkycow: Who was/is your favourite other arkmate?

Moses: Well... probably Simon Peter. I really liked Martha and John, too.

Icarus Coot: If Moses had developed a love interest, which one of the ladies would he have been attracted to most?

Moses: I don't think he would have betrayed Zippy.

joyfulsoul: How did it feel to be a woman in a man's exterior and seen as male?

Moses: It didn't really phase me, but it did seem odd when chatting to the girls!

snooker: Moses... of all your 20 nights on board, what's the most memorable moment that comes to your mind right now?

Moses: Real answer? It's cheesy...

snooker: Please?

Moses: It really meant something when Martha was talking to me about Jesus. It seemed like hearing a familiar story, but from a friend.

snooker: Are you aware of who nominated you? And how do you feel about that?

Moses: Emma was surprised by John's vote (grrrr)!

joyfulsoul: Emma, you're so cool! I think it was awesome that you played Moses. Nobody guessed (I'm asumming) that you were female.

Moses: Do I know you, joyful? Are you one of my students wanting a better grade?

joyfulsoul: Hehehe.

Simon: What one thing would have made the Ark a lot better, do you think, Emma?

Moses: No nominations, Simon! Me staying till the end?

snooker: Moses, how many hours a day would you spend thinking about the Ark?

Moses: Probably too many. I didn't plan the interactions, though – I guess if I had I could have stayed longer.

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale