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   Moses (alias Emma) walks the plank!
Emma and Moses

Day 20

He parted the Red Sea – but he couldn't prevent The Ark audience from dropping him in the wet stuff.

Moses is the latest Bible hero to walk the plank – and now we can reveal he was played by Emma McMurtary.

"I'm a girl through and through in real life," she explains. She lives with her husband, Simon in Winchester, although she is really "a Dorset girly" and hopes to move back to her home county someday.

Emma studied theology at Oxford, and is starting an MA in September. Her main academic interests include looking at postmodern forms of church and interpretations of scripture.

"I chose Moses because I like the stories," she explains, "and he spoke to God face to face, and didn't seem afraid to talk back. I think we too often stereotype Moses as a scary leader, as a Charlton Heston – but remember, he was afraid to begin with."

During term time Emma teaches religious studies and critical thinking to 6th formers in Eastleigh. Out of term-time she claims to have some chance of a life, during which she enjoys walking, eating and of course!

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale