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  Mary Mag | Questionnaire
Mary Mag
She's the tart with the heart of gold who never was a tart in the first place. Allegedly. She's always been rather mysterious, but now Mary Mag reveals her love of Dean Martin, sunrises and sunsets, and drinking a little too much.
Full name:
Mary Magdalene.

Like to be known as:


What are three essential aspects of your perfect day?
Watching the sunrise and the sunset, some time for quiet meditation, a chance to meet somebody new and help them.

What are your favorite topics of conversation?
My undeserved bad reputation, Jesus and all the cool things he did, my pets and all the cute things they did.

What books would you bring into the Ark?
"The Neverending Story"; "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West"; and "Wuthering Heights", because people keep telling me I ought to read it.

How about music?
"We Rise Again", The Rankin Family; "I'll Be Seeing You", Dean Martin; and "Qu'y a-t-il aprés", Yves Duteil.

What extra items are you trying to smuggle into your Ark suitcase?
Patchouli incense, some sketching pencils and watercolours, and a ferret named Houdini.

What are your best qualities?
Loyal friend, adventurous spirit, kindness to strangers and stray animals.

And your worst habits?
Drinking a little too much when the booze is free and hugging people spontaneously and often whether they like it or not. Some people say my habit of collecting strays is bad, but I think they're just insensitive. I will concede that the monkeys were a bit much, but I couldn't have ignored their plight.

List your favorite books in the Bible.
Esther, Genesis, Psalms.

Share with us your top tips for living.
Never let your rats out of their cage and then forget about them. Always stop and count to 10 calmly before debunking nasty rumours about yourself. Don't be afraid of angels if they're not wielding big swords and looking grumpy.

And finally – which do you prefer: cats or dogs?
I'm a dog person. I like big floppy friendly dogs. Though I also like cats. And monkeys. And ferrets. And iguanas. And rats. And...

The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale