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  Brief attention span incurs divine wrath
Maggie in the Crow's Nest

Maggie's chat with God in the Crow's Nest proved eventful yesterday.

It began with a discussion about the loss of her pet ferret Houdini (God's advice: "Have you searched all the men's trousers?") and speculation about how much God must enjoy talking to people in their dreams.

"I expect it's a lot of fun when it's one of those dreams where they are late for work and discover that they've boarded the bus in their underwear," Maggie mused.

But the interview ended abruptly when Mary got a bit bored and wandered off to go talk to Samson. The Almighty seemed somewhat put out by this: "Atta girl. You just go and leave me here on my own..."

"Did I say she could leave?" He added. "No."

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale