Eve became immobilised for several minutes yesterday on the main deck, but with some fervent prayer and laying on of hands by her Arkmates, she was dramatically healed the first healing of many, no doubt, onboard.
The problem arose soon into last night's "on-air" time. "God?" called out Eve, uncertainly, when she was frozen to the deck. "God? I seem a bit stuck." As concerned crew members Maggie, John and Samson gathered round, Eve appealed to them for help. "Can I have a bit of healing here, please?"
John was quick with a diagnosis. "Perhaps it's pillar of salt syndrome?" he suggested. But as Mary and Samson began interceding with the Almighty, raising their hands and even pulling out their hair in great fervour, Eve began to respond.
"I can feel the power of your prayer!" she cried. Moments later, she spun around and was released from her imprisonment. "It's a miracle!" exclaimed Mary. "Praise the Lord," responded Eve, as she set off to find out about supper in the kitchen.