Moses is a man possessed of a quiet confidence. Well, all right. Not that quiet. "I'm a natural leader," he tells us. "Who else gets to send plagues? Who else gets to write rules? And so many, and in such detail!" Moses is keen to check out if an Ark is really necessary after he's parted the sea. That's all very well, Mo, but will your chutzpah work miracles with the other Arkmates? |
Looking for news stories about Moses' wanderings in the Ark? Click the headlines below. Meanwhile, follow Mo's diary during the voyage, post some fan mail and look at the questionnaire he carved in stone before going up the gangplank. Also here is his original story from the Good Book, plus the books etc. where he plays a sea-parting role.
 | | Post-plank interview with Moses
Moses became the third arkmate to walk the plank, amidst emotional scenes. Emma McMurtary, who played the Old Testament lawgiver, talks about the role.
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 | | Moses has crisis of faith
Moses today revealed that he's having a lot of trouble believing in God right now. "God's avoiding me," he confessed.
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