Paul paid a visit to the crow's nest tonight to ask God a question that's been plaguing him for ages.
Is the Ark "a mission field?" the apostle asked. "'Cause if so, it's one of the most infertile mission fields I've ever worked in. Or is this just a pleasure cruise to make up for all those beatings, imprisonments, etc.?"
Paul then went on to wonder about how he would be able to convert Jezebel and Nebuchadnezzar, the Ark's resident heathens, to Christianity. "I don't think Jez knows she needs you," he explained. "But i know you love her. I just want her to love you back and stop talking so bad about you and know you the way I do."
God's reply was practical: "Well, that would be nice (and not just talking about her, either). But I think conversion for the sake of conversion is a dangerous game."
With Paul expressing how he was wondering what to do next, God was reassuring: "Let me tell you, I really DID have that talk with Julian of Norwich, and I really DID say that all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well," the Almighty was heard to say. "Believe it."
Read the full transcript of the conversation here (select 8/5/2003 and "Crow's Nest" from the menus and click the "Read it" button).