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   Paul's third letter to the Corinthians (cont.)

Day 12

Paul's epistle to the Corinthians from here on the Ark continues with a frank summary of Paul's feelings about the journey so far.

"But as a servant of God I commend myself to you," he writes, "because I have endured many afflictions, hardships and calamities: bad food and rude companions, dances that never become dances and doves that never speak, threatened wedgies, insults, sudden attacks of paralysis, longing for unattainable women, obscene sermons, strife amongst fellow travelers, disjointed speech and a capricious Deity."

Paul doesn't feel very popular right now, either: "I am treated as an imposter, and yet am true, as a nerd, and yet am hip, as tedious, and yet I am subtle and fascinating, as misogynist, and yet I approve of women, as anti-Semitic, and yet I am still a Jew!"

To read more of Paul's theological musings, check his diary.

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