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   Largest arkmate becomes extinct
Dino dies

Day 37

The four remaining Arkmates tried a last-ditch attempt to save the Ark's Tyrannosaurus Rex today, which proved too little, too late.

Although John just about managed to get the poorly pre-cambrian on its feet again with his own frenetic dance moves, it was to be the ailing antediluvian's last dance, as, shortly after trying to stand up and dance, it crashed to the floor and stopped moving.

Silence fell as the arkmates realised what had happened. "I think it's had a heart attack," said John, staring at the deceased dino. "I'm responsible. I feel so guilty."

Paul summed up the feelings of the others: "We have had to cope with entirely too much loss on this boat... He went out dancing... We did our best but it wasn't good enough. Maybe this is a lesson about limitations."

He added: "So. Is there a resurrection for reptiles?"

After a brief period of mourning, the arkmates eventually got round to discussing what to do with the late lizard's three-ton carcass. John: "I've got a recipe for braised honey and cider locust. I'm sure it would work with lizard."

Will the arkmates sate their hunger on dinosaur meat? Or will it be too much for them to swallow? Stay tuned.

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale