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   Arkmates do dirty on each other in soap
Soap opera

Day 37

The arkmates today acted out their own soap opera, Ark-style, as Paul, John, Martha and Esther took turns portraying each other in their own production of "A Typical Day on the Ark".

This gave each of them the opportunity to act out the others' most annoying traits. John and Esther both made fun of Martha's tendency to space out at convenient moments, while Paul had a swipe at her liking for the bottle.

Esther as portrayed by John and Paul whined about Jezebel leaving. Martha, on the other hand, lampooned Esther's princessy side: "Is cleaning all you think about? How tedious. I have SERVANTS to scrub MY sinks."

Esther's version of John the Baptist pointed to his inconsistency, bringing in both his bleak tendencies ("Another depressing day as an angry prophet... I'd rather have a deep theological discussion") and his wild and woolly dancing. Paul, on the other hand, imitated another Baptist schtick: "The Kingdom's coming and you're not paying attention."

Paul got the same treatment from everyone: his lusting after Esther in a wet dress and his insecurity about talking to "heathens" got ruthlessly sent up. Only John brought up his recently acquired tendency to break into song.

After the event, the arkmates found themselves stunned. Esther summed it up: "You were all sooo mean," she observed.

Paul: "You wanted mischief. we can do mischief."

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale