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   Friday's feast of beasts
Entrances to the animal deck

Day 18

Two by two they went in, we promise you that – but until now Noah's furry friends have been more than happy to play second fiddle to the divine dozen. But from Day 19, all that is about to change. The Ark's cargo of creatures great and small will be revealed when the Animal Deck is finally opened.

Since the beginning of the Ark's voyage, fervent prayers have been uttered by our heroes for their unseen travelling companions. Job prayed a special prayer for them during the first divine service on Day 7. And Moses has frequently been heard to ask if there will be animal sacrifices, just like in the good old days of the Old Testament.

And in the past few days, several arkmates have become impatient, asking when they'll be able to see the animals. Well, the prayers of a righteous person availeth much... and at last the doors to the animal deck will be opened. Gas masks will not be provided.

Make a date to be onboard at 10pm (UK time) on Friday, for the live show from the Ark, and for a feast of beasts.

Same Ark time. Same Ark channel.

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The Ark © 2003
*Samson not drawn to scale